Monday, May 28, 2007

Rory Block Concert

An exciting example of synchronicity happened recently while at a Warren County Arts Council Board meeting. We had less than two months to spend grant money and it had to fit the guidelines of using the grant money. What to do? What to do?

A first-time attendance by neighbor Tina Terry had the answer. She’s an agent for several singers/musicians. She came to the meeting because of an item I put in our Community Newsletter. A suggestion spoken, have a concert that appeals to the demographics of our county!

We all agreed, Tina came forth with Rory Block, an acoustic guitarist, singer of traditional country blues. Rory has been recording since 1965 and is respected as an interpreter of the late, legendary Robert Johnson’s music of the Deep South.

To expand the concert to an even greater level, the Straightway Ministries Choir, gospel singers, was invited to sing with her. Blues Meets Gospel will be performed on the grounds of Magnolia Manor just south of Warrenton. To make this thrilling Saturday night, June 16th even better, the $35 value concert is free to Warren County residents. A gift from their County Arts Council. Wow!

Of course the members of the Board have done a lot of work together to put this event together and to pull it off in such a short time.

But I just happened to put an item in the newsletter, Tina just happened to read it and just happened to attend a meeting for the first time and she just happened to be representing artists that fit our guidelines. The Board just happened to pick up on a great idea. That’s synchronicity.