Friday, March 23, 2007

Bride of the Wind

The “Bride of the Wind” is a movie of Alma Mahler Gropius Werfel (nee Schindler) that I enjoy watching over and again. Each time I see it, I see something I haven’t noticed before. To me, that’s a sign of a good movie.

Based on the true story set in Victorian Vienna of Alma, the inspiration of great artists of music, architecture, fine art and literature of her time before she became a famous composer. I first claimed the movie because it featured a favorite artist Gustav Klimpt. Then I became enraptured with her story.

Jonathan Pryce plays the role of her first husband, the famous Viennese composer Gustav Mahler. The ruggedly handsome Vincent Perez plays the role of Oskar Kokaschka, painter of “Bride of the Wind” with his usual intense presence. Seeing him in this movie lead me to buying the DVD “Swept from the Sea.”
This is a real peek into the privileged and artistic life at the turn of the century in Europe. It has beautiful views of the country and the old city.

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