Sunday, October 07, 2007

Latest News from England

An article in the New York Times by D.T. Max reports Lord Redesdale whose family has been in England since 1049 is taking up arms against the American Gray squirrels. The Grays are taking over the United Kingdom and replacing their Red squirrels! How odd that sounds. Somehow when I think of the Brits trying to take over our country in the 1700s, I see them as all wearing red uniforms. I never realized the squirrels sport the same color coats.

Our squirrels were brought over to England in the 19th century as an oddity, a plaything to be kept in cages. But when the aristocracy became bored and tired of their latest toy, they let them loose. Now the Grays are outnumbering the British Red squirrels. The Brits are trying to preserve their own species.

The Reds are considered well-behaved, never making a nuisance of themselves or misbehaving like the ‘you-know-who’ obnoxious squirrels do. Sounds like their common opinion of our citizens, too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Arlene - about squirrels:

When relatives visited from Germany last summer, I learned that they have squirrels in Bavaria, too. They call them Eiche Ratte, or Baumratte.

"Oak rats" or "Tree rats".

I never noticed any when I visited them so I don't know if their squirrels are red or gray. Whichever, I got the impression that tree rats aren't very popular in Germany, either.

Still very much enjoying your blog