Saturday, March 08, 2008


It’s amazing how experiencing an illness gives me a new understanding of the pain and suffering others go through. I just never give thought to stuff like that, but my recent bout of Shingles on my face has done just that. My excruciating pain was short-lived, the earaches, toothaches (where I have no teeth) and headaches lasted for three weeks. I still can’t touch the top of my head without feeling near-screaming pain. Who knew?

It all began with what I thought was a sinus headache/earache/toothache. As soon as I used Nasacort Nasal Spray the right side of my face swelled, distorted and broke out in a rash! I assumed it was a reaction to the Nasacort. It wasn’t. It took an exam by an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor to detect the real problem. I was ten days in getting to her. All the time not knowing what creepy thing was attacking me. Awful. I don’t recommend it to anyone.

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