Friday, August 15, 2008

Quail Ridge Book Signing

One of the first things I noticed after settling into my new home were the notices in the N & O newspaper for the Quail Ridge Bookstore Guest Author appearances. It took awhile but I finally made it!

On Wednesday I drove an hour and a half to this last independent new book store in Raleigh to see Charles F. Price, author of “Nor the Battle to the Strong.” Stopping at Whole Foods located a couple doors up from the bookstore was a delightful idea for a bowl of great Beef Cabbage Soup coupled with Jalapeno Cornbread.

Allowing myself time to browse before the author arrived, I found lots of books stocked by North Carolina authors covering all sorts of subjects. The schedule of events shows author appearances and book signings several times a week, some nights have more than one writer featured. They do a fine job of promoting North Carolina writers!

“Nor the Battle to the Strong” brought me here because it’s about the Revolutionary War fought in the South. The points of view are from Rhode Island-born, Quaker-raised- General Nathaniel Greene and Scottish enlistee, run-a-way-indentured James Johnson. I’m just finishing up a manuscript that covers this same area but from the British point of view of Major Thomas Fraser of Bordentown fame. Naturally I just had-to-have this book and having it signed by the author is a bonus worth the trip to unfamiliar territory!
Check out their website at:

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