Saturday, September 20, 2008

Four Leaf Clovers

A memory risen from Debra Moffitt's email.

Did you search for four-leaf clover as a youngster? I did. They were scarce in my neighborhood. I had to scour the grass closely day after day in the summertime. When I found one, a joy erupted as I leaped in the air is success!

Then the bigger problem of what to do with it arose. Should I keep it, put it in a book to have forever. Then I could keep the good luck with me. Or should I share it and give it to a dearest friend. Would my friend appreciate my efforts enough to keep it always and remember always who sacrificed it?

A gift. In those days it was a gift whether I kept it or gave it away. Alas. Today the seeds are manipulated and four-leaf clovers grow in abundance taking away the delight in finding some scare thing that even a child could find.

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