Sunday, December 21, 2008

Food Chain Rip-off

I happily went to the food store near the lake this morning to pick up a few things since I had to go for the Sunday paper anyway. I was anxious to use the $5 coupon sent to me by email from them. It also had a buy-one-get-one bottle of soda or a Bloody Mary mix with the same offer.

When I presented the coupon, the checker couldn’t find a code to scam, oops, I mean scan. They knew nothing about this coupon so they called the manager. She didn’t know about it either so she had to call someone for an explanation.

It came down to the soda and Bloody Mary mix were the $5 value, which it didn’t mention on the large $5 Off shouting out to me in balloons. I don't use either.

This is the same food chain that I stopped buying in, for about six months last year after they offered me a great Thanksgiving deal that was cancelled out in fine print so tiny that I couldn’t read it with a magnifying glass.

The telephone call to complain last year had no effect. They refused responsibility then and probably will again. But I’m calling anyway.

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