Saturday, October 31, 2009

Autumn Scenes

Courthouse Square was a thick carpet of brilliantly colored autumn leaves when I pulled along the curb on Friday. The scene immediately took me back to the 70s when I bought a thick shag carpet for my first house in Bordentown. It was like walking on fire but soft and comfy-my carpet and the Courthouse leaves, too.

Funny, how a view in front of me can take me to a completely different place. The old movie with Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman where he is a temporary gardener filling in for a friend, is another autumn scene that pops into my head at this time of year. I haven’t seen that movie in probably 40 years and don’t even remember the title of it, yet a few scenes stick in my mind waiting to be rekindled. The other vivid scene from that movie was one of the old barn remodeled into a gorgeous home-think roaring fire in a huge stone fireplace and deep, untouched snow outside. A-h-h. The beauties of life.

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