Monday, January 31, 2011

Same Words, Different Meaning

Have you ever read an article or column and then discussed it with a friend or acquaintance only to find that you absorbed such different information from the written words that you question whether you both read the same article?

It is true. We draw from the written words what interests us and the rest often fades away to be picked up by someone else. Sometimes the very same words give different meanings to different people even without the voice inflections when spoken. Again it is probably because we are applying the information to what is familiar to us. Or to what we are seeking.

So just when you think you are writing clearly and precisely, the words can send out messages that readers are reading differently. This can be extremely dismaying when you are trying to send a particular sentiment that you don’t want to be mis-construed. Ah.. …. Language.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still like the written word over verbal. I like to be able to write and rewrite for clarity. However; I agree that sometimes no mater how hard one tries your intended meaning does not come through. I liken that to two siblings being brought up in the same home with the same parents yet their memories and experience can still be so different.