Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rodin & Camille & Reincarnation

Knowing the sculptor Rodin through his art impressed me for many years. I went to the Rodin museum in Philadelphia studying his pieces. I devoured books with his art work. Small reproductions of The Kiss and The Thinker complimented my garden and my bookcase. As an artist, he fascinated me. Then one day I saw the movie Camille Claudel and noted the way their relationship abused and destroyed her. My respect for him and his art dissolved. No, the man and his art cannot be separated.

I sought information, reading various viewpoints about this passionate couple. But I only saw Rodin devouring the talent from Camille, draining her of her natural right, to better his own self. This obsession between them screams ‘why’ to both of them.  Why did they remain in such a personal power struggle? Obviously he gained from it. She couldn’t sever herself from him even knowing that she was dying because of it. 

It makes me wonder if relationships such as these are a result of a former life. It is often said that when we reincarnate, we meet the same people again but in a different kinship. What life could they have possibly led before to create such beautiful work but such a personal disaster in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


exist123 said...

Your rodin and camille reincarnation post struck me right there between my eyes. For reasons that would not appear to be very clear to you - I started believing from 1983 onward that I was Rodin reincarnate, but it was something I intellectually decided, not by any supernatural run of events. I have also devoured rodin's story thereafter - and camille's story hit me also deep down - shows how low great men can stoop but still be considered great in the universal eye.

Arlene S. Bice blog said...

Thank you for your comment. Sometimes we forget that people just are who they are.....and we forget to take responsibility for our re-action to them.. . . .and then, of course is our addictions to our emotions, etc. etc. etc. but thanks for your comment.
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