Wednesday, August 09, 2006

PC Indigestion

A short time ago we had a thunder and lightening storm here in Macon. We were taught to enjoy these summer storms and watched them from our dry, big front porch. The storms still fascinate me, though I unplug my telephone line and computer at the first sign of severe thunder.

So I couldn’t imagine what happened when I couldn’t get online Friday night or Saturday morning. Panic set in by Saturday night. Sunday was a day crossed between moping, raging and beating myself up mentally for not knowing more about the mechanisms of computers.

The telephone line buzzed so loudly that the operator couldn’t hear my complaints on Monday. When I called her on my reliable cell phone, she told me it was a computer problem. I called AOL, who said it was a software problem. I called Gateway who said it was ISP problem. I called Micro-soft who said I needed a new modem.

On Tuesday I bought a new modem, still no online service. On Wednesday,I received news that they now knew the telephone was an outside problem with the lines. they gave me promises to fix it,

On Thursday, in a panic that my children never saw, even in the worst of their growing up, I unplugged all those wires from the back of my computer. Wrapping my arms around it, clutching it tighter than the last bag of eggs, milk and bread before a snowstorm, I gently set it on the front seat of my car. Next I hooked up the seat belt-around the computer-almost forgetting to secure it around me.

I drove to Norlina Computers. Alan plugged it in to his get-up. He was online in seconds!

Not a thing wrong with my Big Information Machine at all!

I drove home unsure of the mood I should be in. I was happy that it wasn’t a technical problem, but I was annoyed that my telephone still wasn’t fixed. Still, there was that promise that it would be……….. Enjoy.

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