Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Three Texas Women

Mimi Swartz wrote an item for the New York Times on February 3 of this year called “Lone Starlets” about three tall, in history, Texas women, Molly Ivins, Ann Richards and Nellie Connally. Since early February of this year all three have now passed over hopefully to an easier place for them to reside.

Reading Molly’s columns always gave me a “give ‘em hell” feeling toward our political leaders that came up with some asinine programs for us lesser folks to live by. She minced no words on her thoughts and feelings and had quite a readership following to prove that many people agreed with her.

Ann was another woman to fight back with straightforward but folksy words, whether it was her personal battle of smoking, drinking, divorcing or the penny-pinching politicos trying to keep the bluecollar workers from improving their lot with education.

Nellie had an entirely different battle station to wage her war. As the wife of John Connally and first lady of Texas, her place is assured in history. Moments before JFK was assassinated she assured him of the love Texas held for him.

I wonder where Maureen Dowd was born?

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