Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Lady Jane

Poor Lady Jane is embarrassed and hiding. The fur along her spine has been matted for some time now. It looked clumped along the ridge of her back. Joe G. noticed it when he visited and mentioned it. She’s a Manx. I thought it was supposed to be like that. Duh.

Apparently not. Thanks to Laura Thompson of ‘Pride and Groom’ I’m starting my new education on cat grooming. A little late in coming but you know the old saying. She buzzed her clippers easy and gently, little by little, talking to Jane softly. Keeping her as calm as possible. Her caring and concern flowed out with each purring word she used to Jane. A pinch-full at a time, the clumps of hair came off leaving a stripe along Jane’s back. She sat perfectly still, not moving or jerking away at all. Amazing.
She’s embarrassed. I’m embarrassed. Guess I should have known it wasn’t natural. I don’t know about cats, I raised kids. Come to think of it, I used to buzz cut their hair.

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