Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day After the President's Inauguration

Bits and pieces of the televised Presidential Inauguration Day intermittently stopped my working. I paused, turned and watched. I wept when President Obama stated, “forty years ago my father could not have entered the White House by the front door.”

As a person who has struggled to feed my kids, to stop foreclosure on my house and to be considered a second-class citizen by nature of being a woman, I applaud our new President. I’ve stood in a room of a hundred dark skinned people and appreciated being invited to the occasion. I’ve waited in line with a hundred East Indians at a New York book-signing and was the only redhead with skin coloring of my Celtic ancestors, there. Everyone else had black hair and a darker complexion including the author.

Empathy has come to me through self-education and just being open to the thoughts and dreams of others struggling to improve their situation and increase their education. President Obama opens the door for many who have earned the right to become first class citizens at last.

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