Monday, March 23, 2009

Books on CD

I’ve reawakened my idea of listening to books on CD. It was great to listen to a story as I was trekking to New Jersey for a long weekend. I arrived without a trace of being tired and without realizing how much time had passed. But when I returned home, I placed the idea in a drawer somewhere to be used for my next long-distance travel.

A few weeks ago as I prepared for an hour fifteen minute drive to Raleigh-not considered long distance now that I live in NC -the idea of books on CD popped into my head. I stopped at the library on the way and restored a good habit.

I took note that whenever I get into my car I’m driving at least 20 minutes and usually longer. That's enough time to get back into the story easily. Now, if I can find some of my favorite authors.........

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