Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Calendar

Any person who loses themselves in genealogy knows about the date 1752 as one that puts a kink in some research. Or at least draws their attention. It makes the researcher pay attention to birthdays and can confuse the issue.

It was this day, the 14th of September 1752, in Merrie Olde England that they began to adhere to the Gregorian Calendar leaving the Julian Calendar behind. In doing so, they lost 11 days. Just vanished. Don’t bother to look for them, ‘cause they aren’t there. January 1 also became New Year’s Day instead of the March 25 date they had used previously.

Think it doesn’t matter since a day lived is a day to remember? Not so. Many people rioted since they lost those 11 days with no pay for work not done but still had to pay a full month of rent. It was serious business that affected lots of people.

The quote, “Live a day at a time” takes on new meaning when you think of days disappearing.

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